In the ongoing debate on housing affordability, the role of new market-rate apartments often takes center stage. These developments aren’t solely for the affluent; recent research sheds light on their wider-reaching impact and the interconnectedness of housing markets, revealing the domino effect triggered by new construction.

The Ripple Effect of Residential Moves
Imagine a renter moving into a brand-new market-rate apartment. This move sets off a series of transitions in the housing market, known as filtering. As that renter upgrades, another tenant takes over his previous unit, initiating a chain of moves that ultimately lead to openings in older, more affordable units. This process creates opportunities for renters across income brackets.

Economic Dynamics of Filtering
Economic theories suggest that an increase in housing supply should enhance affordability. Evan Mast’s research confirms this, showing how new construction fosters mobility across income brackets, leading to more affordable housing options in a relatively short time frame.

Local Variations in Filtering
Filtering rates vary across cities due to local factors like housing supply growth and construction restrictions. Cities with limited supply experience heightened competition and rising prices, while areas with more lenient regulations see smoother filtering processes and increased affordability.

Creating Opportunities for All
New market-rate apartments play a crucial role in fostering housing affordability by facilitating mobility across income brackets. To sustain affordability, a multifaceted approach combining market-rate construction with affordable housing is essential.

Understanding the dynamics of filtering is crucial for fostering inclusive communities where housing opportunities are abundant for all. To learn more about Metonic’s acquisition and development strategies, visit our website at