This month’s “Meet Metonic (& APOGEE)” spotlight is Justin Ferrin, VP of Acquisitions & Dispositions. Justin is responsible for originating and underwriting multifamily and commercial acquisitions. During his career, Justin has participated in the origination, valuation, financing and disposition of assets with an aggregate valuation of more than $3 billion. Justin earned his BBA from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln and, prior to joining Metonic, worked with domestic investment opportunities in their asset management division
Q: When did you start with Metonic/APOGEE and how long have you been with the company?
A: I started in November 2015, so a little over 5 years.
Q: What is your favorite thing about working at the organization?
A: For me, it is the abundance of humility and absence of arrogance in the workplace. Humility will teach you knowledge, arrogance will teach you ignorance. If you think you know it all, you have learned nothing. True humility amongst my co-workers is why I like working at Metonic.
Q: What is something that you’re passionate about outside of work?
A: Being present with my kids. You only have 18 summer to enjoy with your kids. By the time they turn 18, you have spent 70% of the total time you will spend with them. After that, it’s a wild card (they get busy, we get older). I am also passionate about teaching them how to think, not what to think. School/parents are too concentrated on having children learn answers, instead of teaching them how to ask questions. Asking questions is how you learn. Each day before dropping them off at school I leave them with two things:
- Do something nice for someone
- Ask curious questions
Questions that cultivate natural curiosity are better than the threat of a test.
Dogs or cats?
We don’t have any pets; my kids would love a dog and I imagine we will have one within a year or so. Personally, I would prefer fish or birds as a pet.
Coffee or tea?
Coffee, the bulletproof way.
Phone call or text message?
Neither. Your phone wants your energy, your time and your life.
Books or movies?
Books. Reading books is underrated and my kind of magic.