This month’s “Meet Metonic” spotlight is Jamie Harvey, Metonic/APOGEE’s Media Production Specialist. Jamie handles all media production , editing and videography for both Metonic and APOGEE.
Q: When did you start/how long have you been with the company?
A: I started at Metonic/APOGEE in August of 2019 and have been here for about six months.
Q: What is your favorite thing about working at Metonic/APOGEE?
A: My favorite parts of my job are getting to hone my video production skills and the company’s corporate culture. I absolutely love working with video and it has been my dream to get to do video production professionally. I love being able to produce content that I’m proud of. I also enjoy getting to learn and grow as both a creative mind and as a media professional. I also absolutely adore the corporate culture at Metonic/APOGEE. I get useful feedback from my co-workers while also feeling like my ideas and creativity are respected. This is truly is a company of collaboration over ego.
Q: What is something that you’re passionate about outside of work?
A: Outside of work, I am passionate about my education. Currently, I am a freshman at UNO and am really enjoying all of my classes thus far. I love to learn and meet new people so college has been great.
Dogs or cats?
- Dogs! My family has always had dogs and I love their friendliness. All dogs are good boys.
Beach or Mountains?
- 1000% mountains. Hiking in Colorado is one of my absolute favorite parts of Summer.
Phone call or text message?
- Phone call. As a Gen-Z college student I know it’s strange to prefer calling, but I really do prefer to call.
Morning or evening?
- I’m just more productive in the mornings although I do have much more fun at night!