Metonic is proud to announce the addition of Yonatan Dotan as Chief Executive Officer. Yonatan has been involved with Metonic since the company’s inception, first as an investor in Metonic’s portfolio, and more recently as a partner in the business and an active member of the senior leadership team.
Yonatan has participated in over $3 billion of real estate transactions, including development, acquisition, and disposition of multi-family, office, retail, and student housing properties. He received his BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is a member of YPO Nebraska, and is a licensed real estate broker in Illinois. We are thrilled to have Yonatan join Metonic full time.
The expanded leadership team, led by Yonatan and Kassie Inness, who was promoted to President of Metonic in December of 2022, will provide Bob Dean the opportunity to step out of day-to-day company operations and shift his focus toward strategy with Metonic’s Board and Investment Committee, as a partner for Agman’s real estate vertical, and, of course, as an investor in over 30 Metonic sponsored investments. Kassie and Yonatan will lead operations with support from the Executive Leadership Team: Adam Kirshenbaum, Trey Simpson, and Josh White.
These leadership additions are being made with Metonic’s long term strategic vision in mind. We believe these changes will promote Metonic’s continued success and allow us to provide best-in-class real estate opportunities for our partners for years to come. We are excited for what this next chapter will bring.
Metonic Real Estate Solutions is a real estate investment company based in Omaha, Nebraska, providing exceptional homes for residents and unparalleled investment experience for our partners. To learn more about Metonic, visit our website at