This month’s “Meet Metonic (& APOGEE)” spotlight is Zac Leith, Metonic Strategic Analyst. Zac assists with all aspects of analyzing the Metonic investment portfolio and evaluating the highest and best use for each asset. He also provides insight for the company’s market research, financial modeling, systems and data management, and various special projects.
Q: When did you start with Metonic/APOGEE and how long have you been with the company?
A: I am coming up on my one-year anniversary with Metonic in August.
Q: What is your favorite thing about working at the organization?
A: No way can I limit it to one single thing! 1) I love the pace at which we move as an organization to problem solve and execute on strategy; 2) I enjoy the level of challenge the work presents; and 3) I appreciate the many opportunities I get each day to work with and learn from my teammates. We have a great melting pot of backgrounds and expertise, providing us all with the chance to grow.
Q: What is something that you’re passionate about outside of work?
A: Faith and family (with the occasional round of golf or ski trip booked when possible).
Dogs or cats?
- Dogs
Coffee or tea?
- Coffee in the morning; tea in the afternoon
Phone call or text message?
Phone call
Books or movies?
Movies and TV shows – Veggie Tales is currently #1 on the list in the Leith household